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This perennial may have a slightly bad reputation as an overused roadside planting, but there's a reason for its popularity: it's tough as nails! And also quite nice to look at. In the wild, blue flax tends to be small and fairly unassuming, but with the help of slightly richer garden soils and extra water, you can expect many pale blue flowers throughout the growing season.


Blue flax is a good restoration choice because it requires little water and reseeds readily. It's best for naturalized plantings. Grow along with bunch grasses, blanketflower, yarrow, spreading fleabane, rocky mountain beeplant, and clarkia. 


Photo credit: <a href=",_Linum_lewisii_var._lewisii_(17397593012).jpg" title="via Wikimedia Commons">Jim Morefield from Nevada, USA</a> / <a href="">CC BY-SA</a>


blue flax

Out of Stock
  • Linum lewisii

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