Providing the Five Valleys area with native plants for landscaping and restoration

Where plants are concerned, the term native is vague and subject to wide interpretation. We use the term native plants to refer to those that most likely existed in central western Montana prior to European contact. In Montana horticulture, 'native plants' often refers to plants native to the western United States or entire continent, and not necessarily the area where they originate or naturally occur. Click the infographic to learn more.
Who Are We?
Pipilo Native Plants is a small nursery located in Charlo, Montana. We specialize in plants native to Missoula and the Five Valleys area. All our plants are grown from seed and cuttings responsibly collected from the local area.
What Are Natives?
Native plants are diverse, adapted to our local climate and pests, and generally well-behaved with each other even as they mingle in captivity. They use far fewer resources - water, fertilizer, and pesticides - than traditional landscaping. Additionally, native plants provide food and habitat for insects, pollinators and their larvae, and the birds and mammals that feed on them. They are beautiful while being resilient. Finally, they provide character to a yard or landscape that is completely unique to the Five Valleys area. Click the infographic to learn more.
Why Plant Them?
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