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Prairie lily (also known as woods lily) was once more common in Montana, but due to disturbance and over-collecting, it is now a species of concern. You can see why people might be compelled to pick this stunning red-orange flower (but don't, it's often fatal to the plant). 


One to several large orange flowers decorate solitary leafy stems in mid summer, making it a tempting stop for many pollinators. This species grows in moist prairies and open woodland, and can occasionally be found in saturated soils. 


Prairie lily does not appreciate being shaded out by bossy overbearing neighbors, so keep it away from taller spreaders like pearly everlasting, canada goldenrod, and fireweed. Instead, plant with things like large-leaf avens, blue camas, black-eyed susan, baneberry, narrow leaf echinacea, sweetgrass, northern bedstraw and wild strawberry. In wet soils, seep monkeyflower is a good companion.


Our plants are grown sustainably via division from nursery 'mother plants'. 


Last photo: USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Public domain

prairie lily

  • Lilium philadelphicum

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