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We've Moved!

Pipilo Native Plants is now located in Charlo, Montana! Please do not disturb the new residents of the old location off Mount Ave!


See the bottom of this note for more details, or skim through the following FAQs for the important points:


Will I still be able to buy native plants from Pipilo?

Yes! Our mission remains providing Missoula and the surrounding valleys with native plants! The online ordering will be unchanged, but the way that you receive your plants and visit the nursery will be different.



How will I get my plants after I order them?

I know many of you will miss the convenience of the nursery being in the middle of town! I have worked out an arrangement where you will be able to pick up orders at your convenience from the little private nursery on Rattlesnake Dr near Rattlesnake Market. We will also continue to deliver larger orders for free one or two days a week. And if you want to get the plants from the nursery in Charlo, you can do that too (starting 2022).


Can I visit the new nursery?

Yes, I hope you’ll come say hello up in the Mission Valley! Once I get settled I will have visits by appointment as before (starting spring 2022). It's a scenic drive; come visit when you take your family for a spin around the Bison Range! Note that the landscaping at the nursery will be a work-in-progress for quite some time.


A little more info...

This move has been in the works for several years, I just didn’t know exactly when it would be. That time happens to be now, and while the timing isn’t ideal for me and the nursery, I hope to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Ultimately this move will allow me to carry more inventory, so that is something you all will benefit from.


The neat thing about the new property is that it puts me back at square one. I’m facing introduced forage grasses, a good number of invasive weeds, plenty of lawn, and a lovely (albeit weedy) native prairie hillside. It’s a little daunting, and I know that progress will happen bit by bit and over many years. Many of you are in the same situation: too much grass and weeds, not enough native plant life.  I hope to share the process with you as I do battle against monocultures and invasives and create a thriving community of native plants and wildlife. You can follow along with me in your own yards, and we can inspire and motivate each other to create a little more diversity in the spaces we care about.





© 2024 by Pipilo Native Plants

Contact us: Phone | Email

Charlo, Montana

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