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canada goldenrod
Solidago canadensis
Bloom color:
Bloom time:
medium - high
full sun - part shade
upright, spreading
2 - 4'
summer - fall
Photo credit:
E. Conrad
Fluffy seed heads provide fall and winter interest
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Moist open forest habitat
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Fluffy seed heads provide fall and winter interest
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Canada goldenrod is a robust, rhizome-spreading plant for moist, sunny spots. Stunning bright yellow flower spikes attract late-season pollinators, and the fluffy seeds provide winter interest. This species can be aggressive in typical garden settings, so be prepared to cut it back periodically, or better yet force it to compete by surrounding thickly with other species, including fireweed, smooth blue aster, thimbleberry, and spirea. A good streambank or ditch stabilizer.
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