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sulphur buckwheat
Eriogonum umbellatum
Bloom color:
Bloom time:
full sun - part shade
6 - 24"
white - light red
Photo credit:
E. Conrad
Fresh flowers are creamy white to slightly yellow with an interesting popcorn ball shape
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Flowers turn salmon-pink as they age
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
dark green leaves with silvery undersides form dense mats - good slope stabilizers
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Fresh flowers are creamy white to slightly yellow with an interesting popcorn ball shape
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Sulphur buckwheat is a woefully underused plant in landscaping. It fills multiple niches, including groundcover, showy flowering specimen, and pollinator resource. Tightly-knit green and red leaves with silver undersides stabilize small slopes while showy cream to salmon flower heads tower above. This species colonizes dry grasslands, meadows, and even shady dry forest (particularly under pine trees) so finding a spot for one (or more) shouldn't be challenging.
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