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aspen daisy
Erigeron speciosa
Bloom color:
Bloom time:
low - medium
full sun - part shade
8 - 24"
purple - pale blue
Photo credit:
E. Conrad

This is a wild, unirrigated clump of aspen daisy on Mt. Jumbo
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad

Aspen daisies and spreading fleabane go well together
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad

I'm not a bug guy so I'm not sure who these handsome guys are, but they seem to be a fan of the aspen daisy
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad

This is a wild, unirrigated clump of aspen daisy on Mt. Jumbo
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Happening on a patch of aspen daisies in the wild is like stumbling into someone’s cottage garden. Each plant produces a profusion of pale blue to purple flowers with bright yellow centers, often so profusely that the blooms overlap like a fireworks grand finale. They are generally found in dry open forests, and appreciate a little bit of afternoon shade but will thrive in full sun with some extra water. Good companions include fescue, pinegrass, scarlet gilia, harsh paintbrush, wilcox penstemon, pussytoes, pennsylvania cinquefoil, harebell, and white spirea.
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