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twin arnica
Arnica sororia
Bloom color:
Bloom time:
low - medium
full sun
ephemeral, spreading
2 - 20"
spring - early summer
Photo credit:
E. Conrad
A twin arnica convention
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
A thick colony of twin arnica dominates the prairie for a short while
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
A twin arnica convention
Photo credit: Elliott Conrad
Twin arnica is a great plant-it-and-forget-it species that impresses each year with an increasingly larger island of cheerful yellow blooms. In early spring low clusters of slender, soft green leaves hightlight taller spring ephemerals such as prairie star, shooting star, and larkspur. Flowering colonies of twin arnica can cover entire meadows. The plant goes dormant during our hottest months, and reappears with the fall rain. This prevents them from outcompeting other plantings. Fill the temporary gap with blanket flower, yarrow, and showy fleabane.
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